Symposium 2019
Get Ready for the Symposium 2019!
This year the theme is Making and Simulating life
On October 29th, 2019, Utrecht University will host a symposium on the topic of interdisciplinary research between life sciences and natural sciences, often called quantitative biology (QBio).
We are lucky to have talks from four illustrious persons in the field!
Dr. Jos Joore, CEO Mimetas

Speaking on: Mimetas, The Organ-on-a-Chip Company
Dr. Massimo Mastrangeli

Speaking on: The use of Bio-electronics in Interdisciplinary Research on Organ-on-a-chip Devices
Prof.dr. Marileen Dogterom

Speaking on: In-vitro Stability of Microtubules, Mechanical Models and Computer Simulations
Dr. Nicholas Kurniawan

Speaking on: Stimulating Mechanical Cues in Cells
Poster Presentations
In addition to the main presentations there will be a poster presentation event where top pHD students have been invited to share their research with us!
Credits for GSNS and GSLS students
All GSLS can count the symposium as one of their life science seminars while Computing science, Artificial Intelligence and Game and Media Technology receive 5 colloquium points for attending this symposium.
For Mathematical Sciences students, this symposium counts as one colloquium.
The symposium takes place on October 29th, 2019 at the Utrecht University science library between 9:30 and 15:30. Coffee will be provided in the morning along with a lunch break after the first round of presentations.
Attendees need to sign up on this quick and easy form below:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:!